Monday, August 28, 2006


the closer you get to equator the more suspicious the girls get. the more moist and short tempered they get. silver dust between the floorboards.
unruly patterns bump the wallpaper. and she wants to level it all. the love of our life overslept and now she runs down the hill. the stripes makes her look faster. her name is Osaka. life is short.
even when you want everything you only want a fraction of what you would need to become a viper, a hit-and-run herald who brings a certain king's death to our knowledge.

Personal notebook entry.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

hark! hear the gunkan sing!

the vegetarian sushi battleships. the armed forces of imperial nippon. pens and pencils. while pledging alliance to the five-meals-a-day for losing ten pounds in two weeks.